Dignity at Work Policy (Anti-Harassment and Bullying)

Harassment and bullying have no place in a commercial business, much less in a non-profit organisation like ours, where much of the work is done by volunteers, giving up their time for no benefit to themselves.

Reputation is crucial for a non-profit like ours. We depend on others to fund the work we do. Charities have been seriously impaired by reports of serious crimes committed by their field workers. The Directors of GoSafer.Online CIC insist on high standards of conduct. We do not allow anyone to engage in harassment or bullying. No-one should infer that we would want them to engage in such conduct, regardless of the importance of whatever issue they may be dealing with at the time.

Anyone who feels they are being bullied should speak directly with one of the directors.

Some individuals working with us may fall short of the performance that we need. In such a case we will follow a reasonable process of working with them to make improvements. This will not include harassment or bullying.

If the performance remains inadequate we will terminate the working relationship, in accordance with whatever policy applies. Even in such a case, behaviour of everyone within the Company must be reasonable and decent.